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Here's Where You Will Find The Latest From 'The Stand' Magazine-

Well, it has been about 4 months now since this website went up in

December. So far it has been a somewhat lonely endeavor for this

Web Servant in that no one really knows about it yet to speak of.

Brother Charles Shong has announced it in his KJV-Asia update,

for which I am very grateful. This should start getting folks to surf on

over to see the work and read the "e" zine. I have working on the 3rd

issue (Apr/May) on the read-only web group, which can be gotten to by

following the "read" link above.  I Look forward to hearing from you all as

you check out this work-in-progress!

Sneak Preview of the NEW Article Titles:

      Get The Picture?
      The Word Marriage Banned
      Criminals Laughing At The Law
      Master of Memory-
         Minister of Compromise
      Homosexual Activist in Spear
      Gay - Grey - Coming Day
      Has This Woman Been Sent To
                    Her Death?



Now, get on over to the "Read" page and see them for yourself !




Map of the North and South Islands That Make Up New Zealand, with Auckland (the largest city) being just slightly above and to the West of the midpoint of Hamilton on the North Island.






Contact Web Servant: postmaster@thestand.faithweb.com